Kozak Consulting operates on a unique approach to social media- that each aspect of your online presence should hustle to meet your business goals. We also believe that online success is fueled by Emotional Experience - the way that users feel after they have interacted with your digital properties, brand, employees, and other customers. Kozak Consulting is pioneering the field of Online Emotional Experience, specializing in creating a thriving culture around your brand. With almost 20 years experience, Lauren Kozak is deeply knowledgeable about building audiences and influencing user behavior using social media and community. Lauren also specializes in data-driven marketing, establishes well-oiled community management teams and is more than a little obsessed with marketing funnels. She has delved deep into the psychologies of various desirable niche markets, including millennials, Gen Z, moms, content creators and superfans. Lauren was marketing on social media before Twitter or Youtube had even launched. She started Britney Spears' Twitter from scratch, which soon became the third account to ever reach 1 million followers. At Los Angeles Times & Tribune Publishing, Lauren oversaw social media analytics, strategy and audience acquisition for all 8 newspapers.