Social Media management is a delicate process and in today’s world where each person or company is representing a brand, this brand must be able to engage users of that social media community effectively in order to attract, acquire and convert new followers. While it may sound easy to some, it takes an understanding of each Social Media platform, specifically maximizing exposure of a post. In order to maximize the exposure of a post, each platform works differently! While each platform works differently the goal is to build out your brand image while increasing the amount of organic traffic that comes to the site. We find that Instagram is currently the Social Media platform most recognized to have the best brand representation and engagement from end users. With over 500 million users worldwide, there needs to be an effective strategy and method to get the adequate amount of exposure to appropriate end users and help build your base of followers. Many social media management companies focus on getting you new followers but the methods of attaining these new followers does not mean you will see any returns. Traditional methods of follower acquisition and social media marketing focuses on a monthly fee for time and effort but when looking at true engagement a strategy needs to be in place. When posting to Instagram, the most effective post is a post that has a long half life and is focused to a specific demographic of users through hash tags. By opening up your window of exposure you open up the possibilities of attracting global users who now see your brand. What we can do for you? If you’re looking to reach people in a selective geographic position or globally, we can help you with this exposure. We focus on the algorithms of the platforms and specifically with Instagram we can get you this exposure by making your posts a top post for the hash tags within that post. There are many factors that come into play when making a post a top post which include the time of day of the post, the interaction with the post and others but using our methods we have a top posting of 50 Billion aggregated posts for hash tags we have utilized. This has allowed for astronomical organic growth for brands we have managed. If you’re interested in increasing your exposure, please contact us and let us know what you are looking for. Our fee’s are based per post and the amount of exposure you are looking for with consideration of your end results. We will show you examples of our methods in regards to posts and analytics around user growth, comment growth and likes of a post. Remember not all posts are equal, different considerations need to be in place for a video compared to a photo, but no matter what the post content is, we can give you the exposure you want.