Do you find maintaining your social media account a hassle?
Truth be told, it is a hassle!
Let us introduce ourselves. But first, Sit back, grab a cuppa and let us take the stress from social media off your hands!
Imagine a world where your social media page for your business ran itself. Like me you are probably already thinking of the time you could be saving managing a social media channel or channels! At Promo Chimp we offer a unique solution to this problem, one which we are yet to see replicated anywhere else, human led social media management. We will work directly with you to make sure it’s a success. So what’s next? We have so much more to tell you and we don’t want to waste your time with the details. if you are interested simply send us a message and we can get the ball rolling! If you’re not quite ready to commit to our service just yet that’s fine too, just let us know :)
Now it’s decision time … Do you want to hear more from us or are you happy with your current setup?