Social Media Profiles Set-Up, Optimization, and Monthly Management
Optimization of each social media account is important for many different reasons. This allows your online presence to grow the best that it can once everything matches. It strengthens your brand, gets your business more visibility online, and connects with your audience (niche). Without optimization, your customers could struggle to find you when looking for you on social media or general online searches. Being consistent with social media content distribution allows your page to grow and have engagement so that more potential customers will find you within Social Media and online in general. With this plan you will be getting 5 posts per week on all of your social media accounts plus a basic YouTube video, which will also be shared amongst your social media accounts. A basic YouTube video is designed with stock content with minimal but effective graphics and transitions. This will include an intro and outro with your logo. These videos are designed to be no longer than 5 minutes. *We will also be putting your ad spend toward boosted posts on Facebook and Instagram, which will help your profiles reach more people within your target audience as well as help the organic and non-organic engagement of your posts. Engagement is important so that the audience that we are working toward reaching can be optimized as your social media accounts grow.