I will Create/manage two social media platforms of your choice for $300 per month. These Days, It Isn’t Enough To Launch A Website And Wait For Traffic To Start Flowing In; It Just Doesn’t Happen That Way. In Order To Gain New Customers And Build Up Your Business Online, You Need A Good, Strong Digital Marketing Strategy In Place. First and foremost I will build a social media strategy and road map for your business to determine the best social media platform/s for your business niche. Services Included: Social Media Strategy. two highly recommended social media platforms. Set up and seo optimized description of your business. 2-3 highly custom targeted engaging content posts 7 days per week, including one lead generation post using my own special software etc; contest, coupon or other. Market and promote your products, services, offers, upcoming events. Increase likes and actively engage with your audience via liking other pages, comments and joining groups relevant to your niche. Removal of spam - Monitor and remove spam and any undesirable content regularly.