I can work anytime as a Digital Social Media Marketer/ Virtual Assistant and can work as a QA/QC Material Inspector or a QA/QC Mechanical Inspector since I have 15 years and 4 months of experience in oil and gas industry in the construction sector both onshore and offshore environment. I have adept knowledge in PTS (SQL PIPE TRACKING SYSTEM PROGRAM with WIRELESS APPLICATION PROTOCOL) program that handles the trace-ability of joint welds and the applied quality/assurance quality control procedures the whole pipe laying activities, especially at offshore sub-sea installation. I am a PTS Trainer. I can create a Quality Control Plan for material inspection. My previous geographical assignment: Sanjian China, Natuna Sea, Indonesia, Quito 2 FPSO, Angola, Sakhalin, Russia, D-Island Kashagan Fields, Caspian Sea Kazakhstan, Filanovsky Oil Fields, Russia. Venezuela. I have a great deal of energy, both physically and mentally, I change unleashed custom ideas. I can spend hours working on a single thing that holds my attention, yet seem to remain enthusiastic all the while. Being courageous in taking big moves for the betterment of the organization.