Are you feeling the Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn blues? Well... what if I told you that there are exciting and bulletproof social media strategies that will surely increase your bottom line? Are you interested...? If yes then please read on! Of course you are using social media for your business. Tweeting, liking and sharing all over the place. You set up a Facebook, Twitter, a blog, a Google+ account, but finding, creating and posting fresh and relevant content and responding to people in real time takes a lot of time and an enormous amount of effort. And you really have no clue about what networks to spend your time on: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or whatever college kid dropout-turns silicon valley thinks of next week. And so you think – maybe I should hire a big digital marketing agency, but you don’t really have a huge budget, or maybe you do, but not convinced your current team is doing it right. I will analyze, plan, design, market, manage and most importantly – measure your social media efforts. This process will bring you raving fans that will ultimately become new customers...for life! My years of experience working online molded me to be an expert in social media / digital marketing. My ma