Hi there! I'm your social media man. 👋🏼
I’ll help anyone who understands the power of social media to market their business - but I’m especially looking out for businesses who are frustrated that they just can’t seem to build their brand, increase their sales or improve their online reputation on social media.
✅ You’re a leader with responsibility for looking after the online strategy for your business.
✅ You appreciate the value that comes with a carefully crafted, consistent social media strategy.
✅ You’re open minded and enjoy investing in outside talent that creates better results.
⭐️ WHAT I DO ⭐️
I dramatically improve your online reputation and social media sales opportunity. I will build you an army of advocates and create customers through the power of our four key pillars of work:
📲 Strategical social media.
📢 Outstanding online PR.
🖤 Impeccable influencer marketing.
📺 Monumental media coverage.
1️⃣ You’ve ‘dabbled’ in a bit of social media, but it became too time consuming so you put it on the back-burner.
2️⃣ You’re a master of your craft, have excellent products/services, yet challenged with a disappointing lack of progress in your online reputation.
3️⃣ You’ve ‘always sold it this way’ and have yet to truly fulfil the tremendous amount of latent potential your business has via social media.
Having worked with 50+ different businesses and personal brands of all shapes and sizes, I’ve experienced the impact these challenges have on genuinely good businesses and I now know why they happened and what you can do to solve them.
📲 More of an impulse ‘there and then’ learner? Go follow @shajibjahid on Twitter and my LinkedIn or Facebook profile for regular top tips on how to really make the most of your social media platforms.
💻 Prefer video? Head over to my YouTube channel where you’ll be able to watch interviews with industry leaders on how they’ve utilised social media to win for their businesses.
1⃣ Your business has lots of potential.
2️⃣ You’re a master of your craft.
3️⃣ You want a top social media consultant looking after your accounts.