Deep knowledge of Software / Technology Solutions related to Investment Banking, Treasury, Stock & Commodities Trading, Core Banking, Risk Management, Mutual Funds and Capital Markets. Projects included with global giants like Deutsche Bank, Habib Bank, JP Morgan Chase, Merrill Lynch, W.I.Carr, ABN AMRO, Banque Indosuez, ING Barings, Bear Stearns, HG Asia, ANZ Grindlays, National Fullerton, Allied Bank, NDFC, Atlas Group, Islamic Investment, ORIX, Proctor & Gamble, Liberty, State Life, MetLife, American Life, Adamjee, National Power & Pakistan Stock Exchange. Designed solutions & been involved in implemented of over 500 projects for 150+ clients in 20+ years. Millions of online transactions are executed every passing second generating massive volume of data with estimated over $2 billion of assets are managed under these Software / IT solutions.