I am mostly a java and .Net programmer with 11 years of experience in the field. I'm familiar with many different technologies, database engines and tools. 2015-2017: Software architect of a proprietary semantic graph search engine that supported gremlin language for graph traversals of geographical, temporal and aggregative predicates on a massive scale of hundreds of billions of graph elements. 2012-2015: Software architect of a log aggregation system using the ELK stack. The system aggregated logs from various systems with hundred of TB worth of data with over a billion data records. 2012-2015: Software architect of a keyword spotting search engine. The search engine supports phonetic search in mere seconds over hundred of millions of audio files. 2011-2012: Big data collaborative filtering recommendation engine test development for movies and games. 2005-2011: Development of information retrieval systems. 2002-2005: BSc in Tel-Aviv university