A hardcore technology enthusiast at heart, I am have been doing the product development, professional services & technology strategy having developed & launched many products and enterprise services over the years. My special interest areas are ECommerce platforms, Software Architectures, Artificial Intelligence, Continuous Software Delivery, DevOps and Software processes & practices. ? Object oriented concepts (OOP), SOLID principles and design patterns. ? Technologies/Programming Languages: Golang, Python, TypeScript, C#, Java, Javascript, nodejs, dotnet core, ASP.NET, Angular, WCF, WPF, MVC, npm, HTML. ? Web services: Microservices, ASP.NET Web API, SOA, Restful services, SOAP, GraphQL etc. ? Containerization: Docker, Kubernetes, Swarm, Helm charts, kops, EKS with Fargate, GCP GKE etc. ? Google Cloud Platform: Compute engine, App engine, Google Kubernetes Engine, Cloud functions, BigQuery, Google storage, Cloud SQL, Google StackDriver, Container registry, Cloud Spanner, VPC, Cloud load balancing, G suite administration, Google Endpoints etc. ? Amazon Web Services: AWS EC2, Route 53, S3, API Gateway, Lambda, ELB, RDS, VPC, CloudWatch, CloudFront, KMS, Autoscaling, EBS, Elasticache, SNS etc. ? Natural Language Processing: Tokenization, Stemming, Lemmatization, Stop words removal, Sentiment analysis, fuzzywuzzy etc. ? Machine Learning: GCP AutoML, Clustering models, Classification models, NLTK, sklearn, spaCy etc. ? Microsoft Azure: Azure Resource Manager, Azure Machine Learning- Automated ML, Virtual machines, networking, DNS etc. ? Infrastructure as Code: Terraform, Cloud Formation, Google Cloud Deployment Manager, Packer, Vagrant, Chef, Spinnaker, Powershell, bash. ? Relational databases: MS SQL Server 2014, 2016, MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL ? NoSQL databases: Redis, MongoDB, Aerospike, MemCache, DynamoDB, Neo4j, Google Datastore, Google BigTable. ? Mobile app development: Xamarin.iOS & Xamarin.Android native apps ? Message Brokers: RabbitMQ, Google pub sub, Amazon SQS, MSMQ. ? Application profiling: ANTS, Visual Studio Profiler, .Net memory profiler, Perfmon, DebugDiag, dotTrace, CodeTrack. ? Dependency injection: Microsoft Unity, StructureMap, TinyIoC, SimpleInjector, AngularDI etc. ? Desktop virtualization: Citrix XenApp, XenDesktop, XenServer etc. ? Project planning: Microsoft project planner, mingle, JIRA, TFS, FreshDesk, Sharepoint, Wiki, Confluence etc. ? Source Control: GitHub, GitLab, SVN, TFVC, VSS etc. ? Static code analysis: SonarQube, Veracode, Resharper, ESLint etc. ? Continuous Integration: VSTS, Jenkins, CruiseControl.Net etc. ? Performance Testing: LoadRunner, JMeter, Visual Studio etc. ? .NET profiling/performance: Zenoss, New Relic, AppDynamics. ? Unit testing: MS Tests, NUnit, xUnit, moq etc. ? Agile methodologies: Scrum, TDD, pair programming, Kanban etc. ? Web Security testing: OWASP Zed Attack Proxy, Burp Suite etc. ? Crosscutting frameworks/components (Caching, logging, authentication, tracing, and configurations etc.).