I am a software developer with more than 15 years of software development, among them 7 years of web and mobile development using JavaScript/React.js/Node.js, React Native, Python/Flask and more than 2 years with xCode/Swift. My longer experience comprises more than 8 years of development with a focus on .Net and C#, mostly related to the web, mobile and database development. The sphere of my interests includes, but not limited to, working on Web and mobile projects using single page application frameworks and responsive design (React.js/Redux, Node.js/Express, HTML5/CSS3, React Native), Python/Flask, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Amazon Web Services (AWS), Blockchain (Ethereum, Smart Contracts/Solidity, web3.js, Truffle), Machine Learning/Deep Learning with Python, SciPy, Keras and Tensorflow, and developing mobile apps with React Native and xCode/Swift.