Providing all kinds of custom software development and legacy solutions rewriting with Delphi, C++ Builder, Java, SQL, C++, C#, PHP, JavaScript and other programming languages and development environments. I am a highly-experienced Software Engineer with over 20yrs of continuous experience in advanced software engineering, database and web solutions development. Professional Database Developer with over 20yrs of total experience of database design and development with Interbase/Firebird, DB2, Oracle, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL, 4D and SQLite including the CASE technology use, ETL and data conversion, experienced in the client/server applications design and development. Proficient with the cross-platform applications development with the Embarcadero RAD Studio on iOS, OS X, Android, Windows platforms. Highly-experienced in Cryptography, Encryption, Authentications, PKI and Information Security. Proficient with hardware communication protocols and embedded software development including COM/USB port attached devices software development, TPC/IP network software and protocols development, POS terminals firmware development. For many years I involved in all cycles of applications development i.e. understanding the client's requirements, making a functional specification, create the software and UI design, coding, integrating and testing the software code, implementation and post implementation ongoing support of the products - all the time working under pressure and in a tight schedule.