Expertise: My main programming language of choice is Java, with a proficient skill of Java 8, although I plan to migrate to using Java 9. I like to write clean, declarative code, built with modularity in mind using Maven and Gradle. As far as databases, I have done the vast majority of work in PostgreSQL. I have also completed a few projects using the R programming language. This is when I applied machine learning techniques like various regression methods and decision trees to fit formulas, help the business analyst, automate tasks with scripts and create reports. Some of the projects required work done with C/C++ programming languages. We built a few solutions with library structure in mind, respecting proper modularity. I am not an expert in these programming languages, but I do know how to write non-leaky C code. I like to do system design and analyses with PowerDesigner, constructing UML diagrams. Which goes hand in hand with domain-driven design. After those iterations are completed, the code and implementation phases are done with the test-driven development approach, using JUnit.