Hello there!!!
Am a professional Software Engineer having more years of industrial experience in programming like CPP, Java, CSharp, and python projects, I have professional skills in every problem solving about software engineering so, I can provide professional services about programming always here to hear you.
I participated in many "Competitive Programming" Competitions and have +3 years of experience in problem-solving, data structures, algorithms ...
My Services about programming that I offer:-
- DSA(Data Structure Algorithms)
- String/Method
- Functions
- Arrays
- Pointers
- Classes/Object
- Abstraction/Interface
- Composition/Relationships
- Encapsulation/Virtual Functions
- Overriding Constructors/Overloading Constructors
- Inheritance/Polymorphism
- Heap/Tree
- Queue/Stack
- Linear Search/Binary Search
- Bubble Sort/Selection Sort
- IO Exception/File Handling
- etc...
Programming Languages that I offer:-