What is a video, slide show, website... heck, what is Media without music? Music is the catalyst that transports the soul to wherever You want it to land. Sure, you could download a generic track off of an open source sight, or pay big bucks to buy the licence to a more established track. Then you can take that Square track that Someone else produced for Something else, or for nothing at all, and try to trim it and mold it to fit into your Round content. OR You can allow me the opportunity to make a custom track, specific in style, tone, instrumentation and over all mood to fit in perfect harmony with your content. Contact me and we'll go over your specific intentions and expectations and I will write, score, and produce the perfect track for your content. How do I know it will be perfect? Because you'll be the one to decide when it's done! Contact me to hear samples of me past work and to begin work on Your personlized track.