Are you looking to import, purchase or source your products from world wide specially from China with your target price?
Great! I am here to help you in sourcing from China and make it a trouble-free experience for you.
Let me handle your assistance jobs so you can focus on growing your business and unlock its potential
I have over two and half year of professional experience as a sourcing agent with UK-based pakistani company and they are importing different products and equipment every week from China and All Major Suppliers are Chinese.
I can help you with sourcing cheap and reliable products of high quality. I can also handle complete sourcing & logistics for you.
My criteria for selecting a good supplier for your product
1. Golden Supplier with Trade Assurance Badge on Alibaba/Made-in-China for at least 2 years.
2. Minimum 3 Gems (transaction level)
3. Good Response Rate (80% +)
Complete Sourcing to Shipment (A to Z) Package include:
Searching=>Shortlisting=>Quotations =>Sampling=>Negotiations=>Production Order=>Inspection=>Shipping to Client/Amazon Warehouses
Why Me
- Experience of about 3 Years.
- Best Prices From Evaluated Factories.
- No hidden costs
- Never give up