*** Please send me your website URL for free speed checking before placing the order to avoid cancellation ***
Why is my website SLOW? Is slow sites affect the search rankings?
Yes. Google announced that slow performing mobile sites would be penalized in search rankings as well.
Don't worry. I will make your site load super fast and improve score on Page Speed insight.
The optimization will follow Google page speed insight guidelines 100% without affecting any functionalities/layout.
What will you get after the optimization:
Site Optimized with Caching, Database Optimize, and reduce page size, page load time.
Improve Google Core web vitals & PageSpeed insight score.
Fix issues slowing your web pages.
Optimize JS, HTML and CSS
Bonus advice on how to keep the speed up all time.
I will send before and after report comparison. I will also provide some PRO tips that will help you keep the speed up all time.
Make your site faster now and keep your visitors happy.