I can perform statistical analyses on any type of data in SPSS. I have experience in SPSS statistical analysis for more than 8 years. I published my statistical analysis in several papers in international journals such as Scientific Reports (see Google scholar account: Ahmed Elaswad for a complete list of publication with statistical and survival analysis in several of these papers).
I have the experience to perform several statistical analyses in SPSS such as:
1. Exploratory data analysis.
2. Survival analysis.
3. Multivariate analysis.
4. Regression and correlation.
5. T-test, ANOVA, ANCOVA.
6. And many more .....
What I will provide is:
1. Results and tables of the analysis.
2. Analysis graphs or figures
3. I will also write the analysis methodology up on request.
4. I will also write an analysis report up on request.
5. I can also prepare publication-quality figures up on request.
I would be happy to discuss the details with you. Please do not hesitate to contact me. I will be happy to serve you.
Best Regards,
Ahmed Elaswad, Ph.D.