A 6+ years of system analysis & design, participated in requirement gathering, coded according to the functional & technical specifications, units tested the developed code in Java technology and build the application using build script. 1. Web Mock screen generator Mock screen generator used by business team &Technical writer to understand the visual implementation. Purpose: Eclipse Plugin to automatically generate the mock screen into a workable web application. Purpose: 3. Custom XSD Schema Generator Generate the schema definitions of all the web services that are planning to be developed. Purpose: 4. Hot key validator tool Used specific for the system developed in cognizant by us for assigning hokey to the system Purpose: 5. Screen Sanity Test Automation Used for automating the sanity test of Bob System Developed in Web developed in cognizant Purpose: Web application has complex UI with lot of form field elements. For every fix made the developers have to navigate to the screen and key-in inputs for most of the fields to do unit testing. This is a time consuming process to input all the relevant fields and manually unit test the screen. Since this is a critical functionality a basic regression test is also required to maintain good quality