I'm a passionate and curiosity-driven Software Engineer specializing in Mobile application development with more than 5 years of hands-on experience.
I can write clean, scalable, and testable code that is easy to maintain, refactor, and expand. I take pride in my work and stand by its quality. Would love to bring your idea to life and suggest best practices.
I have experience in the following:
📱 Native Android:
- Language: Kotlin, Java
- State Management: RxJava 2
- Dependency Injection: Dagger 2/Koin/Hilt
- Architecture: MVP/MVVM
- Testing: MockK, Mockito/Kotest/JUnit/Robolectric/Spek/Espresso/Kaspresso
- Networking: Retrofit/OkHttp
- Misc: Custom views/Data Binding
- UI design with Material Design
🍏 Native iOS:
- Language: Swift
- State Management: RxSwift/ReSwift
- Dependency Injection: Swinject/Cleanse
- Architecture: MVVM/VIPER
- Networking: Almofire
- Misc: SwiftUI
🚀 Flutter:
- State Management: BloC/Redux/MobX
- Networking: Chopper
- Routing: AutoRoute
- Dependency Injection: Injectable/GetIt
- Immutable Data Classes: Freezed/Equatable
- Animations: Hero/Flutter Animations