Hi, I’d like to introduce myself; what follows is a cover letter that I hope will draw your attention. I recently completed my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Sciences. I have already planned for my future that I will going in coding department/field. As for programming languages, I know little bit JavaScript really well, and can write programs in Flutter (although I’m still learning those languages). I enjoy working on projects where I can have full-stack autonomy, and have a say on systems architecture (strong opinions, held somewhat loosely). I have a data driven approach to software engineering, and it’s not uncommon for me to be seen looking at metrics, logs, or flame graphs to understand what a piece of software is doing. I also enjoy taking this data driven approach to product development, presently I’m learning about things such as Apache &Sqflite, and have recently worked a lot with performance analysis, multiple databases (postgresql, mongodb, etc) In general, I find my role within companies gravitates towards that of a tech lead or architect, a large percentage of my job being communication with other developers and stakeholders. Yours kindly, Ahmed Sohail