Served as State Program Manager- SPM (team leader) for a Maiduguri- Nigeria based USAID funded program (North East Regional Initiative- NERI). ii. Oversight of activities of the NERI projects in the state, design and development of projects, supervision of projects for proper implementation and quality adherence. measuring results against standards; making necessary adjustments. iii. Stakeholder management, Serve as liaison between the stakeholders in state, more especially, Borno State government and its ministries for proper coordination; iv. Human Resources management, conduct hiring of required staff of projects for proper delegation of duties, 8 officers directly reporting to me, while 45 others indirectly reporting to my office; vi. Resources management, management of allocated resources for proper documentation and retirement of funds for record keeping and reporting, vii. Liaising with other INGO/NGO and Represent the NERI in humanitarian and developmental fora, more especially the Borno Humanitarian Coordination meeting, where almost all the UN agencies in state and other donor agencies are members of the forum.