Hi there, I’m Lauren, a strategic communication and brand expert. I have perspective from three sides: as a freelancer working for brands in a variety of industries, as a creative and strategist working in an award-winning agency setting, and as the founder of a socially conscious business and brand with customers across six continents. I received a B.A. in Journalism from the University of Missouri – ranked the best journalism school in the U.S. – where I studied Strategic Communication and Business with an emphasis in Branding and Graphic Design. And that’s my niche: integrated, creative brand strategy linked to real business objectives. My expertise summed up in one word--integration. Integrated brand strategy requires focusing on the details while simultaneously thinking about the big picture. Sounds a little mind-boggling, but that’s the fun part! Telling a brand's story by seamlessly interweaving design, copywriting, optimized content, targeted messaging, and all the other pieces of the puzzle. Please explore my portfolio at laurenrundquist.com. Let’s chat!