We all encounter relationship issues or questions at some point in our lives. Connection is essential for our well-being, isn’t it? Relationships (no matter their nature) are a huge stepping stone in our evolution as human beings incarnated on earth. And, like all big lessons, they often come with a challenge. At least until we understand the lesson behind it and the challenge turns into our best friend.
A good compatibility between two people is the key to a successful, harmonious relationship. Understanding our different relational needs is even more important. Sometimes we may not be aware of what we actually want in a partner (and that’s ok!) or we may get attached to a certain person in the hope they will change to match our idealized version of them. Other times we’ve got the right person, but the relationship needs a bit of healthy compromise and adjustment.
Maybe you have recently met someone who sparked your interest or simply want to inquire into the compatibility that you share with your current partner /friend/coworker/family member. Either way, I am here for you.
***If you are called to, please also include a photo of yourself and one of your person of interest where you are neither smiling nor laughing. The photos should be clear and recent.