o AD, DNS, DHCP, Exchange, Group policy object. o Deploying security update from System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM). o Infrastructure vulnerability scanning and penetration testing o Configure and manage Microsoft System Center Service Manager (SCSM). o Monitors performance and provides troubleshooting for system hardware and software. o Communication and team building skills with ability to work independently or in a team. o Trained new employees on software and company procedures. o Configured systems for multipurpose development, configuration management and testing environments. o Configure and manage Symantec endpoint protection antivirus server. o Advanced user of intrusion-detection, vulnerability scanning, Web Gateway, proxy appliances and antivirus tools, SQLninja, SQLmap, BurpSuite, Zed Attack OWASP, Netsparker, Metasploit, Nessus. o Creating IT security and IT policy for company environment. o Windows Server 2008, 2012 R2. o VMware, Hyper-V.