? 8 years of professional experience in designing, developing, debugging and documenting Web based Application as a Full Stack Developer. ? 3 months training for e-commerce in Helsingborg, Sweden. ? InRiver PIM Certified ? Extensive experience in real time web application using SignalR/SignalR Core ? Experienced in using KISS, DRY and SOLID principles. ? Extensive experienced in Mediatr + CQRS, ASP.Net/C#/WebAPI Core 3.1, Entity Framework 6/EF Core, Serilog, Automapper, LINQ, IOC(Lamar, StructureMap, Simple injector, ninject, etc), Microservices, RestSharp, SWAGGER .net core, Ocelot (API Gateway), FluentValidation,Vanila JavaScript, JQuery, HTML/CSS/SASS, Bootstrap 4, C# 2.0-9.0, KnockoutJS, RequireJS, NodeJS, Ajax, Grunt, XML/JSON, Stored Procedures, Triggers/Sql views, Sql Dependency, Dapper, ReactJs/Angular (Fundamentals), Typescript, Google Analytics, Elasticsearch, Hangfire, Nuget packaging, D3JS, SVG, Amazon S3, Hangfire/Hangfire Core, Blazor, InRiver PIM, Azure Service Bus, Application Insights, Raygun, YouTube/Vimeo API, NUnit/XUnit/Moq, GIT ? Experience online payment gateway using Paypal and Stripe. ? Experienced in Multithread and parallel programming in C# 2-9.0 ? Worked with ASP.NET framework 2.0-4.7, Net.Core 3.1 and above ? Experienced in Windows, Mac OS and Linux operating systems ? Experienced in MSSQL Express/2008 R2/2012/2014/2016, MySql Database Management Systems and OracleDb ? Extensive experience with development tools like Visual Studio, Brackets, Adobe Photoshop and Versioning tools like SVN and Git. ? Extensive experience with Product Information Management using InRiver.PIM ? Extensive experience in Umbraco and Apptus Esales. ? Extensive experience in JIRA. ? Experienced in Agile and Scrum software development