I enjoy helping startup companies solve many different problems during the "scrappy stage" - a micro phase where a company matures out of the manual and inefficient processes but is still too young to administer fully-automated, enterprise-grade (and ridiculously-expensive) solutions. With the right mix of templates, spreadsheets, and other apps, I help establish the much-needed proofs of concept that pave way towards further company growth. Three years hands-on experience in systems design and software development. These experiences have helped me become a professional Generalist with many different skills and qualities - attention to detail, effective communication, critical thinking, time management, self-awareness, data-driven mindset, process improvement and customization. I'm also a learning video editor - where I express my creativity and artistic side. My constant mindset is to get it done, do it right, and finish it on time. I always look at challenges as opportunities and I do not believe in comfort zones.