Programming Languages: Java/J2EE, SQL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Python, C, ProLog.Framework/APIs: REST(JAX-RS), JAX-WS, Google’s Protocol Buffers, JPA, JBoss, JMS, Junit, Python Flask server Hands-on Experience: Apahce Ant, Maven, Twitter Bootstrap, HighCharts, d3js, raphaeljs, Google APIs (Mpas, Translate, Charts), Twitter API, JSON, XML, WSDL, C++.Platforms: Windows (8, 7, Vista and XP), Linux Fedora core 9.Software Experience: Eclipse, MySQL, NotePad++, MS Office. • 3 years of industry experience in Application Server development with Java/J2EE, Python, web application development with JavaScript/HTML/CSS, data mining with MySQL and Agile development process including Scrum and Feature Driven Development. • Master of Science in Communication and Computer Security from Telecom ParisTech.• Exposure to framework/APIs like JAX-RS, JAX-WS, JPA, Derby, JDBC, JMS, JUnit. • Keen to increase my knowledge and learn new skills to preform efficiently.• Wo