Operating systems:
UNIX: FreeBSD 4.x-7.x. Linux: openSUSE, Red Hat, CentOS, Debian. Windows: 9x, 2003, 2000, XP, Vista. Apple Mac OS X: 10.4-10.6.
Programming languages (at the level of understanding the code and write small programs):
HTML, bash, PHP, Perl, SQL, C, Objective-C.
Foreign languages:
Technical English: reading – fluent, writing – intermediate.
Spoken English: intermediate.
Additional knowledge:
Local computer networking based on Ethernet, Wi-Fi technology, fundamentals of TCP/IP protocol stack, basics of routing protocols. Basics in quality assurance and object-oriented programming. More than 9 years of system administration. I work with a many production and development systems based on Linux/FreeBSD/Windows. Support huge load web servers with many sites, huge load database servers. Work with remote dedicated servers or shared hosting. Create virtual servers myself using hypervisors like Xen or using Amazon Elastic Cloud.
Interesting in any system/