I am proficient in many different computer communications technologies--VPN Design And Setup: For secure business access to your servers between offices, or client access while you are away from the office.-Firewall Design and Implementation:Have HIPAA requirements to keep your data safe? Want to keep Hackers away from your private data?-Monitoring Services: Have servers you would like to keep logs for? Want to bepaged / emailed if your servers go down? I can set up a monitoring solution for youthat will do just this.-ISP Support: Need a technical engineer to work with your internet serviceprovider Cox Communications / Qwest / etc in order to put together specificrequests? Having internet speed issues or domain name projects that need working?-Email / Website Services: Need a technical engineer to help you with the intricacies of setting up email for your business, or someone that can help you manage your business web domain?-Router / Switch recommendation or replacement: Have a router