Very good command of the English language.Good experience in writng help or support documentation. The following three factors have contributed to my doing good writing in a short time: 1. My technical background.I have studied radar systems, satellite navigation, stability systems, ventilation, meteorology and weather systems, depth sounders, hydraulic systems, pumping systems. So I very easily understand all types of technical manuals. 2. My passion for the English language.I grew up reading hundreds of books that has given me a kind of natural feel and understanding for the language. I have been writing technical article for 8 years, and that gives a caliber and polish to my work that meets expected levels from clients. 3. My interest in computers.I started by using handhelds and buying my own copy of DOS. I have parallely followed Microsoft's progress from Windows 3.1 to Windows Server 2008. One of my dreams came true when I started writing for Microsoft.