Analyzed content, edited, and rewrote policy and procedure directives at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing for BEP deputy director’s Directives Rewrite Project, managed by the Office of the Chief Information Officer. Identified current procedures by interviewing subject matter experts and incorporated those procedures into revised directives. Created new numbering and design schemes for BEP documents. Wrote MSTI’s project action plan for this engagement and developed three project support tools: a document revision tracking spreadsheet, a checklist for evaluating document needs, and a workflow chart. Revised Tygart Technology’s MXServer User’s Guide to reflect enhancements featured in a software upgrade; MXServer is a facial, voice, and fingerprint recognition and analysis software program. Captured screenshots and wrote accompanying text for new capabilities, and updated existing screenshots and text to reflect revised capabilities. Also created a new Quick Start Guide based on the revised User’s Guide. Wrote and edited SDLC documentation for several Joint Deployable Intelligence Support System (JDISS) Program Management Office projects. Documents included software release bulletins, installation procedures, system administrators’ manuals, and configuration guides. Built a SUN platform with Solaris Operating System, JEDI security software and three PRISM applications to test engineer-submitted instructions and edited the instructions to reflect the local writing style manual. Researched and evaluated word processing programs to identify a replacement program for Microsoft Word. Identified FrameMaker as the replacement, created PowerPoint presentation, and briefed selection rational to managers. After managers adopted FrameMaker program, provided considerable individual training to staff and built document templates.