Hello Sir, Thank you for job posting.I read your whole discription about telegram member scraping and then send invitation or any message you want to send to any group users.I can do this very easily and I also did in past.
I am telegram marketing expert. I can send messages using my tool with using multiple telegram accounts.i can help you in this project.
I am also adding members from any target group to owner group.
i also provide Telegram Accounts for members adding if you need.
I am also capable to add 3000+ members in your group in a single day.
I will provide you more information about scripts,member adding and telegram restrictions to groups.
I have completed my bachelor of technology in electronics and telecommunication branch. I have the experience in telegram marketing for past 1 year.
I am also skillful in programming and coding in C, C++ and python. As an expert, I can provide high-quality results within the deadline. If you award me your project I will start your project asap. Please message me in inbox for more details.
Best regards
Yashveer Mishra.