Some of the projects I've worked on ;
1. CBAS - for GTE (now Verizon), a large scale client/server system to replace a customer billing system from mainframes to a Unix based one. My work consisted on the client side, doing lots of C programming on a proprietary inter-communications API.
2. STARS - for Harris Corporation, a bid for the FAA to provide them with a state of the art system to monitor all their equipment over the network. I worked on the user interface part, doing a lot of Motif & X programming. Created a viewer for networking nodes, and also a network topology editor.
3. IDTS - For GE Harris.Client side programming to collect "training" data for teaching as well as simulation purposes. This Motif client would allow users to record data over a period of time and then play it back. The data consisted of information from a power company coming from their substations, etc.
4. EnterNet Data - For GE Harris.Java applet to view database information for EMS companies o