In July 2022, after 10 years of public campaigning by the people-led Save Andaman from Coal Network, the Ministry of Energy stuck to its commitment to cancel plans for a coal power plant in Krabi, Thailand after a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) showed reasonable evidence that it would have a negative impact on the environment.
Throughout the years, the coalition, which included Greenpeace Thailand, held public demonstrations, peaceful sit-ins and hunger strikes to urge the government to halt plans for the coal power plant. Protestors and campaigners were monitored, arrested and detained but they persevered in order to protect Krabi for present and future generations.
They called on the government to conduct a study on the impact of a coal power plant on Krabi and its environs. The Ministry of Energy had signed an agreement to terminate the Environmental Health Impact Assessment (EHIA) study on the Krabi-Thepa Coal Power Plant Project in favour of the SEA, which in 2022, stated that there will be no coal power plant in Krabi.
After a decade of fighting for their homeland, it is a show of victory for the determination and perseverance of the people.