A person attacked the personal database of citizens of the city of Shanghai, the mysterious thief obtained 23 terabytes of personal data of one billion Chinese.The thief published an announcement of the leaked data on secret forums, of which the Wall Street Journal claims to have seen. The stolen data includes people's names, addresses, places of birth, phone numbers, national identity, as well as information about criminal cases involving people.
The thief, who is not yet identified, is demanding 10 bitcoins in exchange for the data, which is equivalent to $200,000, according to the technology website Techradar, quoting the international news agency Bloomberg.The technology website described this theft as one of the largest electronic thefts in history, while the agency reported that the Shanghai police and the Chinese Cyberspace Administration have not responded yet.
For his part, Changping Zhao, founder of Binance, a Chinese-Canadian businessman, said on Twitter: “The company’s threat intelligence unit has discovered that there are one billion resident records for sale on the dark web,” noting that this may have happened to an error. Elastic Search is a search engine powered by a government agency, he said.
Desks: "This has an impact on procedures for detecting or blocking hackers, and mobile phone numbers in relays on accounts."Zhao stressed the Chinese companies' requests for security measures in this area, noting that the search and identification processes for customers.