The Ministry of Health announced the launch of an awareness campaign about high blood pressure,through its awareness platforms, "Live Healthy
The ministry said that patients with this disease do not show any warning signs or symptoms, calling for the importance of maintaining a healthy weight, getting enough hours of sleep and avoiding smoking, in addition to exercising regularly, to reduce symptoms and health problems of high blood pressure.
And she indicated that this disease increases the effort of pumping blood on the heart and blood vessels, which exposes the risk of disease, stressing the importance of knowing blood pressure to find out the vital indicators of the body and give a clear picture of high blood pressure disease about the health status, as well as to control blood pressure levels and avoid the causes of high. .
The Ministry launched, through its awareness platforms, "Live Healthy", an awareness campaign under the slogan "#Know your numbers", noting that 46% of adults with high blood pressure do not realize that they have it.
The campaign is part of the awareness activities that complement MOH's efforts to preserve the health and safety of all members of society, enhance health awareness, encourage the adoption of healthy behaviors, and prevent diseases.