How to do palm tree pose Step 1: Start in Mountain Pose (Tadasana). Stretch arms high up into the air, reaching as high as you can, lengthening spine and allowing an invisible cord to pull you up onto your toes. Step 2: Clasp hands together high over your head and inhale deeply. Come back down to standing flat on your feet and exhale deeply as you lean far to the right. Hold for a beat and then rise back to center as you inhale. Step 3: Repeat center stretch and then alternate to right side.
Benefits: The third pose in a basic Sun Salutation, the Standing Forward Bend stretches the hamstrings and calves while strengthening the thighs, can also stimulate the liver and kidneys, which can help improve digestion. How to do standing forward bend pose Step 1: On an exhale, release your body forward, folding down as if you were trying to kiss your shins. Bend your knees if there is too much pressure on your back. Wrap your hands around the back of your heels, but don’t pull your body forward. Release your neck so that your head hangs heavily from your spine. Step 2: Hold position for 10-30 seconds, then on an inhale, either return to standing or move into a half standing forward bend.
How to do half-standing forward bend pose Step 1: From the Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana), press your hands or fingertips into the floor on either side of your feet, or press your palms into your shins. Inhale as you raise your torso away from your thighs, straightening your elbows until your back forms a straight, perpendicular line to your legs, forming an inverted L shape. Step 2: Keep your back straight and your hips aligned over your ankles. Keep your knees slightly bent and lift your head slightly to gaze forward without compressing the neck. Step 3: Hold the pose for 1 minute and either release back down into Uttanasana or move into a high lunge.
How to do high lunge pose Step 1: There are two ways to move into a high lunge. From Downward-facing Dog, lift one of your back feet and move it forward to rest between your hands. From a Half Standing Forward Bend, place your hands on the ground by your feet and extend one foot backwards. Step 2: Center your front knee over the heel so that your shin is perpendicular to the floor, and bring your thigh parallel to the floor. Center your weight between your feet and lift your torso until it is upright. Inhale, lift your arms high into the air stretching towards the ceiling. Step 3: Hold pose for 10-30 seconds, breathing normally. Lengthen the torso with each inhalation, looking forward without strain. To exit pose, place your hands on the ground outside of your front foot and either bring your back leg forward to rise or move your front leg backwards to return to Downward-facing Dog Pose.