6 years of experience in apps and games development for smart phones especially for iOS and Android platforms. I do work with whole heartedly and make my work really useful for others as i have 100+ featured apps/games on app store which i have developed and made them successful. Extensively used tools/libraries that i use for development/code: * Unity3D * Cocos2d-x. * Cocos2d. * Box2D. * Java, Android Development. * Objective C, iOS development [UIKit, Foundation, etc] I love coding and do it passionately for making games for iOS and Android. EXPERIENCED in making multiplayer game by using own servers and Game Centre. EXPERIENCED in making games that really entertain user and have fun, EXPERIENCED in making server based games as i have much experienced on that. EXPERIENCED in models in unity are required to manage memory very well. I know how to incorporate Chartboost,Tapjoy,Flurry,iAds,AppLovin,PlayHeaven,Apsalar,Revmob,Admob,iAds, Parse.com, Testflight, HeyZap.