Virtually yours, LLC provides services in six basic areas.1. Virtual Assistance: Document processing, transcription, proofreading and editing, correspondence, and more!2. Training: Career skills, presentation skills, performance improvement (Mission, Vision, Goals, Business Plans.)3. Assisted Meetings: Set-up, scheduling, agendas, minutes, materials.4. Can-do Career Services: Workshops, job search asssistance, resumes, interview role play, job club.5. Home-Biz Showcase: Professional hosting in our office, home business marketing, your products or services promoted, home-biz showcase event advertising.6. Eden Gallery: We host some of Northern Colorado's most creative artisits' first showings! Photography, painting and drawing, mixed media, decor assessories, and more!I retired from County government after 18 years. While there, I worked with state funded programs, preparation of RFP's, meeting set up and coordination. I am active in community activities and networking. As a virtual ass