Words have always been a passion for me. Words in my language; words in other languages. I got a wide experience at communicating in English and French, besides my native languages, which are Catalan and Spanish. Since I love them all, I instinctly look for the way to say it “in the other language”, by default; to find the most approached way “we would say that back at home”… That always made me feel closer to foreign languages speakers, since I would automatically try to understand it my way. I hold a Cambridge Advanced English Certificate, as well as a C1 French level Certificate, which are supported by my experience at writing after a Bachelor Degree in Philosophy by the Barcelona University. Philosophy allowed me to delve into the real meaning of words, concepts and ideas, as well as the wide possibilities of meanings they might have in any different occasion. This fact brought me to enjoy while writing and working with texts. On the other hand, I got kind of an obsession at correcting text mistakes. Mostly in my native languages, but also at the other ones I have learned throughout my life. I have actually always done it by default, so after a while I turned it into a hobby, which eventually evolved itself into a job. Furthermore, I consider myself a professionally fast-worker and efficient person, so do not hesitate about contacting me, when needing help!