I'm a native portuguese speaker who studies english since 9 years old and has a ECCE certificate (Examination for the Certificate of Competency in English), which covers level B2. I also know a little bit of French and Spanish but I would not commit myself to translating into these 2 languages for now. I'm still quarantined and even though I'm working remotely, I still have a lot of free time. I work at a newspaper company in the marketing area and english is a language that is very present in my life — either personal, watching stuff on TV and reading in english, and whenever I travel abroad with my parents, who don't speak english at all; or my professional life since I study advertising and english is a must for me to grow professionally. I've traveled a lot, not only to english speaking countries like the USA, England, Ireland and Scotland, but to some other countries (like France, Italy and the Netherlands) where I also had to communicate in english, specially since I usually travel with my parents and they do not speak english at all. I've always enjoyed the english language. My godfather was a professional translator and I've always had a soft spot for this kind of thing, maybe due to his influence. I watch a lot of TV shows and movies in english, and sometimes I read some books in english as well. So if there's a work to translate something english - portuguese, count me in!