I'm a Portuguese (Brazil) native speaker, specializing in translation from French and English. Participant of exchange program and a member of translation team in an international meeting. I did an exchange program in France four years ago, where I studied French and did a volunteer job which included many services that were required in the house such as: helping in the preparation of the activities for big groups of people: meetings, weekends and retreats. I had an opportunity to get acquainted with people from all over the world, get to know their customs and traditions. That is why, I have experience in speaking French and English till now. I also spent a few months in Poland, where I could practice and develop my abilities with the English native speakers as there were hundreds youth from the USA, Canada and the UK. During living in the Eastern part of Europe, I was a member of translation team in the International Festival promoted by a religious community named "Communauté du Chemin Neuf". Since then, I have worked as an events promoter, where I was regularly requested to receive, register and to make the translation for foreign speakers and participants. For now, I'm a Human Resources student and working as teaching assistant in an elementary school.