My business smarter not harder. All business processing can be streamlined and improved. For over 25 year, I specialized in HR and Risk management for a service provider. HR Management - employee relations, onboarding, off-boarding, compliance postings, garnishments, training, payroll processing, hiring, benefits, prevailing wage, employee handbook, job descriptions, records and retention, talent acquisition, disability, unemployment, progress reports, recruitment, terminations, man-hours, 401k, employee reviews and PTO programs. RISK Management - compliance, accident mitigation, record keeping, OSHA, CalOSHA, NFPA, fleet management, sub contractor safety programs, COI, background checks, incident analysis, MVR and pull program, RapidGate, defensive driving, forklift certification, IIPP, safety manual, accident reporting procedures, NACIS classifications, safety and toolbox meetings, Job Hazard Analysis (JHA), PPE requirements, and ergonomics.