I've spent almost my entire professional life rendering various Admin/Accounting roles specially in monitoring and analyzing cash position, inventory management, and processing different billings through Systematic Accounting Procedure (SAP). Through these, I've gained lots of knowledge which I know can be useful in my future employment. I was also given the chance to be called as full time missionary of our Church which honestly gave me more confidence and guts when it comes to interacting with people. I am assigned to labor in the southern part of the country preaching the Gospel for 18 months. With all of these experiences that I had, I am pretty confident that anyone who would take a chance working with me will surely be blessed with success and quality work. I may not have that same experiences doing online jobs before but I can assure you to provide the best work a freelancer could give for the benefit of both me and my soon to be clients. I am looking forward receiving messages of opportunities from you. May God bless us all.