Trevor Noah has unfortunate news for Russian influencers who’ve been cutting up their Chanel bags to protest the company’s withdrawal from their country: “Chanel’s already got your money.”
“While the rest of the world is focused on the Ukrainian victims of Putin’s war, many Russian Instagram influencers, well, they feel like they’re the real victims of what’s happening in Ukraine,” the “Daily Show” host said Monday. A number of Russian social media stars have recently posted videos of themselves destroying their designer handbags after Chanel suspended operations in Russia. Chanel also asked customers in global stores to declare that items they purchased would not be used in Russia.
“This doesn’t hurt Chanel,” Noah said. “You think when you’re cutting up that purse, Coco Chanel is in Monaco on a yacht feeling it like a designer voodoo doll?”
(The comedian added that yes, he is aware the brand founder is actually dead).