I'm good at doing research on any topic that is given,i have written many articles on agriculture as a topic in general.i have worked with,non governmental organization such as, huncy group in Embu county in a survey to identify potential areas for livestock farming.another example of such writing is as follows:Education means to know various things and explores the world of their knowledge as it is essential for both men and women to understand every aspect of life in the society. It changes our life completely as it is constructive in nature. It is one of the primary factors in one’s life that helps them to face most of the challenges. Education allows people to make invention so that life can run smoothly, this can be traced from earlier days when there were low levels of invention due to poor education in the society. ‘education plays a great role in our career growth as well as in the personal growth. It plays a great role in our career growth as well as in the personal growth ‘by Adam Sibuyi. Education allows one to follow rule and regulations in the society so as to be responsible to each, as it improves the mentality and behavior of that particular people. Therefore, as observed the education helps in the finishing of one’s character, discipline, curiosity, knowledge and right livelihood. Apr 23, 2013 - As Nelson Mandela says, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Education is the key to eliminating gender inequality, to reducing poverty, to creating a sustainable planet, to preventing needless deaths and illness, and to fostering peace. Here are a few other Mandela quotes about the importance of education: The power of education extends beyond the development of skills we need for economic success. It can contribute to nation-building and reconciliation. Agricultural advances have been reached due to research made by educated people in the community. Training helps farmers to incorporate the latest scientific advances and technology tools into their daily operations. The results of enhancing their operations with these tools increases efficiency and can also lead to: Less harm to the environment. Reduced food contamination and a health society Education fulfills one’s life with joy and happiness. An educated person is more satisfied with his life? or we can say that education gives the reason to be alive in this world. Education steps simultaneously with your life till the end. Knowledge from education can also allow individuals to develops a perspective of looking at life. It is no secret that a good education has the power to change a life. What is new is the demand for that change, as books say so. I'm a university graduate,in the university of Embu.i took a course in agriculture and obtained a second class honor. I am ready to work tireless to make sure i deliver high quality content. For any question,contact me at salusosness@gmail.com, or salu sosness on facebook and YouTube as salsoss254