An Agresso/Unit4 Business World professional with over eight years BAU and development experience in the Finance industry and Local Government covering all major modules including HR/Payroll, General Financials, Contract Accounting etc.. Also Critical Year End, Payroll, Upgrade, HR/Payroll, build and other financial experience in Agresso along with related experience with Bottomline for example as well as coding in c# and .NET. A professional with an understanding of legislation and how aspects are related to Agresso. An able, dependable an hardworking professional with a proven track record and the perfect mix of financial and technical experience required to support and develop Agresso/Unit 4 Business World. Member of a number of Agresso groups. I am also looking to expand into the non-executive sector and would be happy to discuss further and send more details on this experience as, and when required. Well traveled to over 35+ countries.. My goals - Challenges and always adding to my skills. Specialties: Fast thinking, logical, eager for new challenges.