I make all code from scratch and i deliver to you a customized system that can be scalated and easily updated! I do overjob and i deliver everything you to need in the most professional way and with the best paradigmas!
I'm a C# programmer, with over 10 years of experience, and I develop mobile games using the Unity IDE, fully optimized and native whenever possible. Currently I develop autonomous services in game development, from programming from scratch to reviewing and analyzing the structure of game codes already released or still under development. Specialist both Mono and IL2CPP.
Integration with servers I use MySQL, MongoDB, Postgre and Firebird. I am also a specialist in implementing monetization systems in games using AdMobs and UnityADs. I also develop the arts, if necessary, with Photoshop, Corel Drawn, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe After Effects, always compiling the files in the optimized formats required for mobile games. Minimal experience with Blender, but I know the requirements for Mesh optimization and in Tris and Verts count, to guide the modeler in the project.
I'm totally specialized in mobile games, running at 30fps with 6ms of codes running in business. I also studied through the Unity website about the entire Core of the engine and I know how to develop in an optimized way and always respecting the processing guidelines so that it is as native as possible.
I also teach music and programming classes in general, both face-to-face and/or distance learning.
Musician of the band Le Marchand with more than 15 years of experience, with 7 albums released and other releases with participation in other musical projects in the underground scene of Brazilian rock. The last album released is called Kari Marã and it addresses, in a heavy metal way, all the monsters of our national folklore. I also develop soundtracks and effects for video games. I also compile the audio files in the required formats for optimization in mobile games.